Priscilla Bacon Hospice Alzheimer's Society Guide Dogs Norfolk's Cancer Charity - Big C Break - Changing Young Lives Brain Tumour Research - Together We Will Find A Cure Shaftesbury/Livability - All together better for disability East Anglian Air Ambulance - 24/7/365 NSPCC & Childline Friends of Norwich Cathedral Norfolk & Waveney MIND Save the Children OXFAM Original Norwich Charity Christmas Card Shop-ONCCCS! CPRE Amnesty International East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) St Peter Mancroft Church - where our shop is! Vision Norfolk Keeping Abreast John Aves Education Project St Martins Housing Trust RNLI Lifeboats Samaritans - Need a free, non-judgemental listening ear? Street-Child - To See All Children Safe Norwich Foodbank - provides emergency food and toiletries Stepping Stones is a vibrant day service and charity St Edmunds Society offers vocational training opportunities

Above are the logos of the 28 supported charities this year.
Click on a logo to go to an interim page describing what the charity does in 100 words, and a button and QR code link to the charity's website.

Remember ALL money taken goes to the charity of the card you buy!